Additional CSS

If you want to take advantage of more customizations, we have custom CSS code for you.

Change font size

  1. To change the font size, use this custom code: 
.strong-view .strong-content .wpmtst-testimonial-content p {
	font-size: 15px;
  1. To change the heading font size as well, please use the code shown below:
.strong-view .strong-content .wpmtst-testimonial-heading {
	font-size: 30px;

The font type is inherited from the theme. When you change it, it will change automatically for the testimonials as well.

  1. To change the company and name font size, please use:
.strong-view .strong-content .wpmtst-testimonial-field { font-size: 16px; }

Change form submission button text color

You can change the testimonial submission form button's color by using the following code:

.strong-form .wpmtst_submit_testimonial {
	color: red;

It's important to note that the form is un-stylized, therefore the colors will take the theme's color scheme. Use this code if you want to override that and use a custom color.

The hover color might also be inherited by the theme. If you want to change that as well, use the following code:

.strong-form .wpmtst_submit_testimonial:hover {
	color: red;

Change testimonial content font

To change the font content of the testimonial, after font-family, you need to replace ‘Arial’ with the name of the desired font:

.strong-view .strong-content .wpmtst-testimonial-content *, .strong-view .strong-content .wpmtst-testimonial-field {
	font-family: Arial;

Hide author name from single testimonial page

If you want to hide author name from single testimonial page, please add the following code in Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS:

.wpm-testimonial .author.vcard { display: none; }

Hide comments from single testimonial page

The comments section is displayed there by the theme.

If you want to remove them please add the following code in Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS:

.wpm-testimonial-template-default #comments { display: none; }

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is additional-CSS.png

Increase the word count of a testimonial

To increase the word count of a testimonial beyond 200 words, please do the following steps:

Strong-testimonials-custom-fields/includes/fields/words-options.php at lines 3 and 10 add what number you want

Strong-testimonials-custom-fields/includes/class-strong-testimonials-word-count.php at line 20 insert the number you want

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