Activating Strong Testimonials Pro


Shortly after purchasing Strong Testimonials Pro, you’ll receive an email with a purchase receipt. That email also includes a link to download the Strong Testimonials Premium Add-ons and your license key.

You can also find this information in your account on our website - after the purchase an account is created automatically. Just log into your account here > and then go to View details and downloads.

Once on that page, you will see the extensions you have access to and buttons to download them to your computer.

Please keep in mind: if you are using the browser Safari on a Mac when you download the zip file it extracts the file from the archive directly to your computer (you might only see the file folder with the plugin's files in it, instead of the zip). If that is the case, then try and download the zip from your account using a different browser, or check your Trash, as the zip file should be there. To learn how to prevent Safari from unzipping files please follow this tutorial.

To install any of the premium add-ons that you have access to, head to your WP dashboard > Plugins > Add New > Upload and then upload the plugin .zip file you downloaded from your account on our website here.

Note: You must leave Strong Testimonials Lite installed and activated in order to use the premium version of the plugin.

License activation

Once you install Strong Testimonials Premium Add-ons, you’ll need to activate your license to ensure that you have access to automatic updates.

To activate your license key copy it from the purchase confirmation email or your Strong Testimonials account. Log in there and go to Purchase History and then click on View Licenses.

There you will see a key icon > click it and copy the license number then go to your website’s admin dashboard > Testimonials > Settings > License. You need to add the email you used to purchase our product and your license key. After this, you need to click on Activate.

After the license is activated you can also install premium extensions directly from your WordPress dashboard without having to manually install each one.

To automatically install extensions first activate your license key following the instructions above and then go to your dashboard > Testimonials > Extensions > and click on the 'Install & Activate' button under each extension.

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