Pagination methods

Simple vs. Standard

The simple method is the default setting. It creates "pages" (sections within your WordPress page, really) using JavaScript then hides all but the first "page".

The standard method uses WordPress pagination to divide the testimonials across multiple pages using the URL (/page/2, /page/3, and so on).

You can set how many posts to display on each page. The page controls appear the same for both but they don't share the same CSS class names so if you have any custom CSS for the simple method, you may want to apply it to the standard method too.

There are pros and cons to each method and you may need to experiment to find the right one for your site.

Let's compare the major aspects.

AspectSimple PaginationWordPress Standard Pagination
Intended Usesmall scale – about ten pages or less, though it can handle morelarge scale – hundreds of testimonials, though it works for small scale too
Displayswitching pages is handled by JavaScript without having to refresh the pagepaged URLs (/page/2, /page/3, etc.) provide the more common, expected behavior
Speedfastnot as fast - it has to fetch a new page
Back and Forthit does not remember which page of testimonials you are on so if you click away (for example, on a "Read more" link) then click back, you will return to the first page of testimonialsyou will return to the last page you were on so this works well with "Read more" links (it doesn't break the Back button)
Random Orderworksincompatible


  • If you want your visitors to be able to jump from a page of testimonials to a single testimonial and back again, try the standard method.
  • If you have hundreds of testimonials, try the standard method.
  • If you are displaying testimonials in a widget, use the simple method.
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