Infinite Scroll

Infinite scroll adds a new type of pagination. Instead of having to click through pages to get to the next set of testimonials, you can just scroll down the page and read the testimonials flawlessly.

How to install it?

The Strong Testimonials Infinite Scroll extension is a premium extension. In order to install it you need to go to your dashboard > Testimonials > Extensions > and click on the ‘Install & Activate’ button under the extension.

How to use it?

To activate it you need to go to your WP dashboard > Testimonials > Views > Edit > scroll down to ‘Extra‘ > enable Pagination > choose from the list ‘Infinite scrolling‘.

You can choose how many testimonials you want to be displayed at first and how many to automatically load each time the user scrolls down the page.

Load more button

Apart from infinite scrolling, this extension also offers the possibility of adding a ‘Load more’ button. To activate it go to your WP dashboard > Testimonials > Views > Edit > scroll down to ‘Extra‘ > enable Pagination > choose from the list ‘Load More Button‘.

In the example below you can see that there are displayed 5 testimonials and at the bottom of the page there is the ‘Load more’ button. Clicking on it will display 5 more testimonials and so on until there are no testimonials left.

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